Apr 22 - Easy Ways to Celebrate Earth Day 2011

Today is Earth Day, and there are tons of activities planned to celebrate our planet. For a list of cleanup events and celebrations near you, click here.

Too busy to come out? You can also celebrate Earth Day from the comfort of your home or office:

  1. Learn more about an environmental issue on EarthDayTV.
  2. Join the millions of other people who have taken a green pledge on Earth Day Network’s Billion Acts of Green Campaign.
  3. Find out what items are recyclable and where by visiting our website. Always have this information on hand by downloading Earth911.com’s free application for your Iphone or Android phone.
  4. Support the work of Californians Against Waste and other environmental organizations. You can make an online donation for CAW, or simply follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you’re already following us—suggest us to five of your friends.

No matter how small the act, from recycling or turning off the lights in an empty room to walking or biking instead of driving your car, you can do something to lessen your impact on the environment today, and everyday.

Lanh Nguyen