May 27 - CAW Exposes Toxic Waste Violations at Produce Supplier


The improper disposal of hazardous waste remains a problem in Californian landfills, but also poses an even more serious health issue when it takes place in commercial businesses. A local Sacramento produce company was recently cited for having hazardous materials on property, and in close proximity to food preparation work areas, after reported by CAW's Director, Mark Murray.

[Watch a video of Mark Murray identifying the hazardous waste on site here]

Much of the waste was in the form of disregarded tires and broken fluorescent bulbs. Both materials are problem products which carry certain regulations for disposal in the state.

"It’s really irresponsible for a business to be disregarding the law….I’m certainly concerned about the threat to public health and the environment," said Murray according to KCRA 3’s article.

Fluorescent bulbs, as well as other products such as electronics, contain varying degrees of the toxin, mercury, which when improperly disposed, is released into the atmosphere and can cause detrimental health problems. State laws help regulate how these items are handled in order to avoid the release of these types of toxins.

To learn more about why hazardous waste items such as bulbs, batteries, and medical sharps need to be disposed of correctly, visit out Issues page.

To find a convenient location near you to get rid of your hazardous waste, click here.

Lanh Nguyen