Jun 17 - Video: The Reality of E-Waste Dump Sites Overseas


An interview by Al Jazeera with Michael Zhao , Managing Editor of China Green, a multimedia enterprise documenting China’s environmental issues, provides deeper insight into the problems of increased US exporting of e-waste to such foreign countries as China.

In the interview, Zhao talks about how e-waste is exported into China, despite bans on allowing electronic waste through their ports, and the health and environmental impacts the waste has on its communities, including the city of Guiyu; a town notorious for being a public dump site for e-waste.

This year, CAW is supporting a bill introduced by Assembly Member, Bonnie Lowenthal, AB 960, which will help reduce the amount of e-waste exported overseas from California by mandating that recyclers reform their exporting practices in order to receive payments.

AB 960 will help put an end to the unsustainable and neglectful practice of shipping e-waste out of the country for processing.

To read more about AB 960 and follow its progress, click here.

To watch a video about the e-waste crisis in Guiyu, click here.

Lanh Nguyen