Aug 8 - Recycling Opportunities Soon to Spread to Many Apartments and Businesses
Currently, two complimentary initiatives are in the process which would expand recycling services to the commercial sector, as well as multi-family dwellings such as apartment complexes. The California Air Resources Board is expected to adopt this regulation in October, according to an article in the San Diego Union Tribune.
At the same time, Assembly Member Chesbro has introduced a bill this legislative session (AB 341) which also expands recycling to the underserved apartment and business sectors, which would apply the recycling services to even more people than under the Air Board’s regulation.
In San Diego alone, under the Air Board’s regulation, 3,000 new businesses and multi-family units will get acccess to recycling services by mid 2012. Supporters of both measures conclude that increased recycling will spur an economic boost, as businesses who utilize recycled materials are drawn to California.
Costs of the programs will also be diverted over time, as recycling rates tend to be cheaper than trash disposal.
Aside from the fiscal effects, CalRecycle has estimated that if this regulation is adopted, by 2020 enough greenhouse gases will be reduced to equal the effect of removing 1 million cars of the road per year.
To read more about AB 341, which will be heard in the Senate Appropriations’ committee on August 15th, click here.
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