Aug 17 - Salinas Polystyrene Foam Ban Passes 6-1


Kudos goes out to the City of Salinas, which passed an expanded polystyrene (eps) takeout container ban at yesterday's hearing with a 6-1 vote in City Council.

Salinas is the county seat for Monterey County, and with a population of roughly 150,000 it's also the largest city. The city now joins the growing list of local jurisdictions with food packaging ordinances that includes many other Monterey County municipalities.

Read more about the hearing in an article from the Californian.

Meanwhile, SB 568 will be heard in an Assembly Appropriations Committee today. If passed, the statewide foam container phaseout would start in 2016. It would not preempt local ordinances. Send a support letter to your Assembly Member here.

Lanh Nguyen