Sept 15- Low Interest Loans Available for Tire Recyclers

The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) is offering California scrap tire recyclers $4 million in low-interest loans to buy new tire recycling equipment.

The Tire Equipment Loan Program is designed to encourage California-based tire recycling manufacturers located within California to site new processing facilities, expand existing operations, and create additional markets for products made from scrap tires. This program provides low-interest loans for the purchase of equipment.

The deadline to send applications to CalRecycle is Dec 30th.

In other tire related news, CAW has a bill AB 525 (Gordon) on the Governor's Desk that would renew the CalRecycle tire Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) Grants program. It would also create a subaccount for the Paint program that was passed last year.

Lanh Nguyen