Sept 16 - Method and Envision Make Bottles From Ocean Plastic Waste

Method, maker of eco-conscious household and personal care products, has announced their latest innovation - bottles made out of plastic collected from the North Pacific Gyre.

Method teamed up with Envision Plastics, one of the largest HDPE recyclers in the U.S., to pioneer new recycling process to engineer Ocean PCR plastic that is the same quality as virgin HDPE plastic. The process allows the plastic to be cleaned, unwanted contaminants removed completely, blended, and then remanufactured into high quality plastic. The bottle is 100 percent post-consumer polyethylene, 25 percent of which is plastic collected from the Gyre.

"We've created a usable bottle from ocean plastic and upcycled it into something useful that can be recycled again and again," said Adam Lowry, Method co-founder and chief greenskeeper. "Our ultimate goal is to raise awareness that the real solution to plastic pollution lies in reusing and recycling the plastic that's already on the planet."

According to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson:

This innovation demonstrates what America, California and forward-thinking companies like Method can accomplish when they combine strong business principles with responsible actions to protect our health and the world around us. By transforming the trash in our oceans into usable products that are safe for our children, our environment and our future, Method has proven that green business can grow our economy and create jobs.

Method is focused on collecting enough usable ocean plastic to create a significant supply and turning it into bottles, although their main goal is to raise awareness on plastic pollution. The company will be collecting usable plastic from several locations with volunteer organizations on September 17, International Coastal Cleanup Day (For the closest clean up location to you, click here).

Read the article.

In other plastic recycling news, CAW-sponsored bill AB 1149 (Gordon) is currently on the Governor's desk. The bill will help develop domestic markets for recycled plastics by encouraging existing California-based manufacturers of products and packaging to utilize recycled plastic in-state.


Lanh Nguyen