Oct 12 - Aspen Adopts Plastic Bag Ban

Share The City of Aspen, Colorado has banned the ubiquitous plastic bag during a final reading of the ordinance.

The Aspen City Council had previously passed its ordinance banning single-use plastic bags and placing a 20 cent charge on paper bags in August. At a council meeting yesterday, the ordinance was adopted during its second reading. It will impact two grocery stores in the city, effective May 1, 2012.

Read more about the ordinance in the Waste & Recycling News. In related news, the City of Boulder held a zero waste study session on the same day, and will consider a plastic bag ordinance next year as part of the city's Zero Waste Plan.

For a list of local bag ordinances in California, click here. Help us fight plastic bag pollution and join our list-serve for regular updates.

Lanh Nguyen