Oct 20 - Growing Trend? Products Use Less Plastic Material, Less Hype


New eco-friendly products are showing a surprising trend: smaller fanfare, and in some cases, no price increase.

Glad Products Company has a new line of trash bags made with 6.5 percent less plastic than before, estimated to save enough plastic each year to cover all of Manhattan. But the product ads, while emphasizing the reduction in plastic and increased resiliency of the new bags, will be understated and realistic rather than sensationalizing the purchase of a "greener" product.

" ‘Every small step makes a difference’ is an internal motto we use here," said Cheryl Hagedorn, Glad green marketing manager.

And perhaps even more importantly, the new Glad bags will not be more expensive than previous versions.

Are overpriced, greenwashed products getting phased out of the market? We certainly hope so. For the last year CAW has been working on enforcing laws for truthful environmental advertising of plastics bags and bottles. We’ve even passed a bill expanding these requirements to all plastic products with SB 567.

Our success was thanks in large part to our generous member contributions. Please consider donating to CAW today or joining our membership listserve for updates.

Lanh Nguyen