Oct 28 - National Prescription Drug Take Back Day This Saturday


The Drug Enforcement Administration has set up another free nation-wide collection event for unused medications this Saturday, October 29 from 10 am to 2 pm. Click here to find a drop-off site near you.

Improperly disposed pharmaceuticals can lead to accidental poisonings or drug abuse and addictions. More than seven million Americans currently abuse prescription drugs and over 71,000 children aged 18 and younger are seen in emergency rooms each year for unintentional drug overdoses.

In addition, unwanted medications end up polluting our waterways. According to a study conducted by the United States Geological Survey, 80% of our streams have traceable amounts of hormones, steroids, and other drugs. Read more about the issue of pharmaceutical waste on our website.

Last month, US Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (New York) introduced HR 2939, a bill that would create a national takeback program for pharmaceuticals. Find out more on our website and sign the petition in support of the bill.

Lanh Nguyen