Nov 1 - Is Chicago Next to Ban Plastic Bags?


Chicago may be among the next jurisdictions in the country to consider banning the plastic bag. If passed, the ordinance would be the first of its kind in the state of Illinois.

According to a Huffington Post article, Chicago alderman Joe Moreno plans to introduce an ordinance at the beginning of November that would ban plastic bag distribution in stores larger than 5,000-square-feet. He stated,

"Bottom line, this is a triple win. It's pro-consumer, pro-efficiency and pro-environment."

Elsewhere in the state, the city of Evanston is considering an ordinance similar to DC’s bag ordinance placing a 5 cent charge on all single-use bags.

Please visit our website for updates on this story, information on plastic bag pollution, a list of local bag ordinances in the state and country, and to find out what you can do to ban bags in your area.


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Lanh Nguyen