Dec 5 - DTSC Hosts Safer Consumer Product Regulations Today


A new informal draft was officially released on October 31 by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). This comes from a law passed in 2008 that directs state agencies to develop a process for identifying potentially harmful chemicals so that Californians could be protected and the state could promote the development of safer alternatives

Previously, in the last government adminstration, environmental groups call that round of regulation as Schwarzenegger’s toxic legacy. Fortunately, due to successful pressure from a coalition of environmental and health group, DTSC did not move forth with that version.

Today, DTSC is hosting a workshop to gather public input on their revised (and improved) Safer Consumer Product Regulations.

December 5, 2011
9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Cal/EPA Headquarters Building
Byron Sher Auditorium
1001 "I" Street, 2nd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

You may participate in person or monitor the workshop via audio/video webcast.

Read the draft regulation(.pdf).

Learn more about Green Chemistry.

Lanh Nguyen