Dec 12 - LA City Considers Bag Ban Tomorrow


The Los Angeles City's Energy & Environment Committee will consider a single-use bag ordinance tomorrow, December 13 (UPDATE: The agenda item was moved to a special meeting on December 15 or 16). The meeting starts at 8:30 am in City Hall (200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA). See the Committee agenda here.

Take action here and ask Committee Chair Jan Perry and the other committee members to support this ordinance.

If passed from this Committee, the ordinance will then go to the full Council for a vote. A bag ordinance in LA City would double the percentage of Californians currently living in a jurisdiction with a bag ban to 20%.

You can also see what other local governments are considering bag ordinances on our Take Action page. Don't forget to join our email listserve for plastic pollution updates and find out more about our Campaign to End Single Use Plastic Bags.

Lanh Nguyen