Feb 6 - SF Mayor Supports Tougher Bag Ban, Vote Scheduled for Tomorrow


San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee gave the thumbs up for a bigger, better bag ban today, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Lee is quoted as saying,

"The complete ban on plastic bags I do support; I support it for all the environmental reasons. There are still people who are concerned and we will continue meeting with them, but I do think it’s good law and I think it has very good objectives…if it takes 10 cents to remind somebody that their habits are in their control, I think that’s something we’re willing to consider doing. I think that some people make the mistake (of not bringing their own shopping bags) once or twice and then they change."

Tomorrow afternoon the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will vote to strengthen its history-making bag ban. San Francisco passed the first bag ordinance in the country in 2007.

Since then, however, other local ordinances have passed that included more single-use bags and retailers. The expanded ordinance would ban single-use plastic bags from all retail stores and restaurants in San Francisco. Paper, compostable plastic, and reusable bags would be allowed with a 10 cent minimum price requirement to further restrict bag waste, although some restaurants would be able to distribute their "doggie" bags for free.

The vote on an expansion of the ban was delayed late last year due to concerns about community outreach. If adopted tomorrow, the ordinance would go into effect on October 1, 2012 for retail stores, and July 1, 2013 for restaurants.

Although public comment will not be taken during tomorrow’s meeting, you can still write to the Board and express your support. Take action here.

Other local bag ordinances are showing up around the state and the rest of the world. Take action here and check our website regularly for updates.

(Photo Credit: NY Times)

Lanh Nguyen