Mar 27 - CalRecycle's New Commercial Calculator to Help Improve Green Business Practices


The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has unveiled its Commercial Climate Calculator to help businesses evaluate the benefits of reducing waste, including cost savings.

california businesses, multifamily residential buildings, or public agencies can all take advantage of this tool to evaluate the financial and environmental benefits of reducing waste and recycling discarded materials. Businesses can use the calculator to model waste reduction or recycling scenarios, estimate the associated diversion from landfills and resulting cost savings, as well as learn the climate change benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

We at CAW encourage businesses to see how much they can reduce their green house gas footprint by recycling, since two-thirds of California’s waste is generated by the commercial sector.

According to CalRecycle Director Caroll Mortensen :
"With California’s new commercial recycling requirement soon to take effect, we’re working hard to provide tools like this so California businesses, schools, and others can develop their own blueprint to achieve success. The calculator will help Californians see that recycling and waste reduction make sense for our environment and their bottom line."

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Lanh Nguyen