Apr 9 - Bill to Crack Down on Illegal Tire Export


Recently, tire recyclers and processors have been seeing an increasing number of waste tires that are being sent to unpermitted facilities. The tires are then loaded into cargo containers and sent overseas, where they are typically burned for fuel and oil byproducts.

Legitimate California tire recyclers, processors and tire-derived product manufacturers are having trouble competing with illegal bailing operations. The diversion of tires from domestic recycling to combustion overseas has a significant impact on the state’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and increase the recycling of waste tires.

To address this, CAW-sponsored bill AB 1647 by Assembly Member Gordon would increase the enforcement of existing tire hauling and manifesting laws to prevent the illegal export of waste tires.

According to Terry Leveille, tire recycling consultant, AB 1647 represents the first step toward cracking down on unpermitted scrap tire sites that divert tires from legitimate processors and recyclers. Although exact figures don’t currently exist, Mr. Leveille and others estimate that hundreds of thousands of California scrap tires are sent to China and other countries for use as tire-derived fuel.

"Advocates for the California scrap tire recycling industry have been working on possible amendments to AB 1647 to toughen its stance against scrap tire stockpilers and exporters" Mr. Leveille said.

The bill will be heard in Assembly Natural Resources Committee on April 23.

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Lanh Nguyen