Apr 30 - Talking Trash on NPR's Fresh Air

Edward Humes, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of twelve nonfiction books, was featured on Fresh Air. He is most recently the author of Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair With Trash which just came out this month.

The book explores what the world of trash looks like, how we got there, and, best of all, what a growing number of families, communities and businesses are doing to find a way back from a world of waste. Americans generate more trash than anyone else on the planet: more than seven pounds per person each day. Shockingly, 25% of it is containers and packaging.

Humes also discusses the country’s largest landfill, Puente Hill located in Southern California, calling it a 'garbage mountain', and describes the inherent problem of single use disposable plastic products. Although we might have not agree with every point he makes, Humes makes a compelling case for getting a handle on the myriad of waste-related issues facing the state and country.

Check out the interview and pass it along to those you know.

Lanh Nguyen