Jun 8 - Recap: A Great Week For Plastic Pollution Ordinances
It’s been another busy week for plastic pollution ordinances.
On Monday, two cities in Washington state discussed a plastic bag ban with a 5 cent charge on paper.
The city of Issaquah adopted its ordinance (effective in larger stores starting March 1, 2013 and expanding to other stores one year later), and the Port Townsend council approved a first reading of an ordinance (to be considered for adoption at a second reading). Read more on the Issaquah and Port Townsend bag bans.
The following day, in California, the city of Carmel also approved a first reading of its plastic bag ban.
That same morning, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors formally adopted an ordinance to ban all expanded polystyrene takeout containers and cups from restaurants in unincorporated county areas. See the full list of local polystyrene ordinances.
And in an unexpected and exciting move to stop plastic pollution, on June 6 the city of Toronto passed a motion to ban all single-use plastic bags in all retail stores starting next year. It is currently the largest plastic bag ban in North America. The list of US bag ordinances can be viewed here.
Next week, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors prepares to formally adopt its plastic bag ban. This would bring the total number of local CA jurisdictions covered under a bag ordinance to 49.
See the local bag ordinances in CA.
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