Jun 14 - Bag Bans on the Move in Northern CA


Cities in the northern part of the state are stepping up to the plate with local bag ordinances.

The City of Chico’s bag ban is moving forward. On Tuesday the Internal Affairs Committee forwarded a plastic bag ban, which must be vetted and sent to the full council for further consideration. If adopted, the Chico bag ordinance would be the first in Butte County.

Later this evening, the Humboldt County Waste Management Authority is discussing a model plastic bag ordinance for its six municipalities to adopt. See the agenda and board packet online.

And of course, Mendocino County adopted the latest plastic bag ban earlier this week, with a 10 cent paper bag charge, in all retail stores.

With similar movements in LA City and elsewhere, you can expect more bag ordinances being proposed as the year progresses.

See the full list of local bag ordinances, and take action on upcoming ordinances.


Lanh Nguyen