Jul 1 - Business and Apartment Recycling Requirement Goes Into Effect

Starting today, businesses will have to subscribe to recycling and apartment buildings will have to start offering recycling services to their tenants.

This requirement is part of CAW’s landmark 2011 legislation, AB 341 (Chesbro), and will expand recycling to millions of apartment dwellers, who have historically not had the same access the recycling as those living in single family homes. This is a monumental policy shift for those living in apartments, and involved a 6-year legislative campaign and multiple vetos.

This will not only result in significant resource conservation, but will also lead to a reduction of 5 million tons of CO2 per year and will create tens of thousands of jobs.

Who is affected?


  • In most cases, apartment buildings with 5 or more units will have to offer recycling services to their tenants. If you live in a complex that doesn’t offer this service, show your landlord a copy of the law, and if you need any help, give CAW a call (916.443.5422).
  • In most cases, businesses that generate 4 or more cubic yards of waste per week will have to subscribe to recycling service. As a rule of thumb, if you have a medium sized dumpster that gets picked up at least once a week, you also need to request recycling service.


Support CAW's efforts to expand recycling to all Californians, by making a contribution today. We rely on member contributions to engage in multi-year campaigns to pass policies like this.

Lanh Nguyen