Jul 9 - Santa Cruz City Voting on Plastic Bag, EPS Bans on Tues


The Santa Cruz City Council will consider two ordinances designed to reduce plastic pollution at the next Council meeting tomorrow evening.

The first ordinance would ban plastic bags at all retail stores, starting in April of next year. The ordinance would include a 10 cent charge per paper bag. Take action and urge the Council to support the bag ordinance.

The second ordinance would expand the City's current polystyrene takeout container ban to prohibit the sale of all foam products, including foamed coolers. Take action here--it's quick and you can modify the message as you like.

The City is also considering an electronic waste ordinance at the same meeting. Read more in an article.

The meeting starts tomorrow, July 10, at 7pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall (809 Center Street in Santa Cruz). Go to the City website for the agenda details (starting with item 14). If you're in town, drop by and testify in support of the ordinance alongside CAW.

At the state level, AB 298 (Brownley) and SB 568 (Lowenthal) would ban plastic bags and foamed polystyrene food containers throughout California. Take action and support AB 298 and SB 568.


Lanh Nguyen