Jul 12 - Belmont Adopts Polystyrene Container Ban
Tuesday evening the City of Belmont became the latest jurisdiction to ban polstyrene food containers in our state. See the full list here.
The polystyrene ban--which is essentially the San Mateo County ordinance adopted by reference--goes into effect this October.
Food vendors are prohibited from distributing prepared food in disposable polystyrene containers. This includes both foam and clear/opaque polystyrene containers (often identified with the resin ID code number 6 within three chasing arrows).
Read more about polystyrene pollution.
At the state level, SB 568 (Lowenthal) would ban foam polystyrene food containers throughout California. It is currently on the Assembly floor and a vote is anticipated for August. Write to your Assembly Member and urge them to support SB 568.