Jul 30 - Summer Olympics Aims High: No Plastic Bags and Zero Waste

The 2012 Summer Olympics made history before the start of any of its athletic competitions.

The Olympics kicked off in London last Friday with an impressive opening ceremony, and Olympians have been fighting to get on the podium ever since.

But behind the scenes the organizers hope to also reach some high goals. The London Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee (LOCOG) is aiming for zero waste during the events, and according to this article, has set an overall 70% waste diversion goal.

LOCOG has eliminated plastic bags from its shops--making it the first Olympics to be plastic bag free.

"London 2012 is the first Games to not use any single-use or short-life disposable bags. All the bags we provide at the games will be reusable for multiple occasions and we believe that by focusing on reducing unnecessary bag usage, encouraging re-use and providing clear information about recycling, we have found the most sustainable and practical solution."

Environmental groups sent a letter asking that visitors and participants in the Olympic games refuse other plastic bags where offered.

Keeping in line with the waste diversion goals, Olympic Park's largest fast food chain, McDonald's, will also be using cutlery, cups, lids, and straws made from a compostable plastic.

Learn more about plastic bag pollution, and support AB 298, California's statewide proposal to ban single-use plastic bags.





Lanh Nguyen