Aug 7 - Cupertino Holds Study Session on Single-Use Plastics Tonight

This evening, Cupertino residents may weigh in on proposed bans for plastic grocery bags and polystyrene foam food containers.

Cupertino has been included in San Mateo County’s Environmental Impact Report for a regional bag ban throughout the county. According to media, the city’s study session this Tuesday evening will look at the bag ordinance in addition to an ordinance banning foamed takeout containers in Cupertino.

The study session starts at 4 pm in City Hall (10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino).

Read the article in the Cupertino Patch.

Fifty one cities and counties have plastic bag bans in California, and more than sixty have takeout container ordinances. See the lists of local bag bans and polystyrene bans on our website.

Learn more about plastic pollution impacts, and take action for SB 568 (Lowenthal), the statewide foam container bill, or send in a support letter for AB 298 (Brownley), the statewide bag bill.

Lanh Nguyen