Aug 10 - Ventura Approves Funds for Bag Ban Study

Californian communities continue to take a stand against plastic bag pollution.

Earlier this week the Ventura City Council approved funds for an analysis of plastic bag impacts. The $8,000 is coming from stormwater management funds.

Plastic bags make up a disproportionate impact on the environment—clogging up storm drains throughout CA because the film bags are lightweight, easily airborne, and never biodegrade.

Ventura will likely be joining the County as well as other cities in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties in a regional effort to study and ban plastic bags.

The Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment, a joint powers agency for the area, is hoping that jurisdictions will pool together to fund a shared environmental impact report.

In Ventura County, there is currently only one city—Ojai—that has adopted a plastic bag ban. See the full list here.

Read an article.

Support a statewide bag ban—the fate of AB 298 is still waiting to be decided later this month. Write to your State Senator and urge their support today.

Lanh Nguyen