Aug 14- Help "KickStart" a Recycling Superhero

Pageants are more likely to invoke thoughts of diamonds and silk dresses than promoting recycling but the winner of Bay Area's Miss Alameda contest is using her recognition to do just that.

Miss Alameda Jessica Jane Robinson, under the identity of Recycle Woman (RW), produced and starred in a short film last November that weaved together romance, comedy, and the importance of recycling.

Throughout the film, Recycle Woman flies all over the City of Alameda informing the public about global pollution and degradation, all while keeping up her duties as Miss Alameda.

Official Website for Recycle Woman, the Movie

Robinson has also take on a leadership role in promoting waste reduction and recycling around the country, speaking at public events and conferences.

A year later Jessica could be suiting up again but this time it is for a different form of media. She and RW director Donald Lacy hope to begin branding Recycle Woman into a comic and have been raising funds for the project since late July on the KickStarter website.

Make a pledge to help KickStart the Recycle Woman comic into a reality

Branding will cost about $5,600 with 1/5 of that already raised through donations from supporters of the film. The creators of Recycle Woman will be taking pledges until the 5th of September and backers get gifts ranging from a facebook "thank you" to a producer credit on the final cartoon. To produce the comic Jessica Robinson enlisted the help of former technical director Vince De Quattro, who only had good things to say about Miss Robinson:

She is a positive message for youth empowerment and a role model for generations to come.

Robinson also headed a program to address food waste in her city by promoting a composting program for schools and restaurant. 30 restaurants have signed on to participate in the "Miss Alameda Says Compost" program and in the process diverted roughly 500 tons of food from the landfill.

With only 21 days to go, Recycle Woman needs your support to become a comic.

Lanh Nguyen