Aug 20 - IL Residents, Tell Your Governor to Veto a Ban on Plastic Bag Bans
There's only 8 days left to contact Governor Quinn and urge him to veto SB 3442, the bill that would prevent local governments in Illinois from banning plastic bags!
Take a few seconds and email the Governor here, or call his office directly at 217-782-0244 (Springfield office) or 312-814-2121 (Chicago office) and say "Please veto SB 3442 and find meaningful ways to address plastic bag litter."
We first alerted you about the bill in early May, which passed out of both houses after a revote later that month.
Governor Quinn has until August 28 to make a decision on this bill. Don't wait any longer to ask him to veto the bill! If you don't live in Illinois, pass this along to your friends and family who are IL residents.
SB 3442 requires a minimal plastic bag recycling rate and would prohibit local governments from passing ordinances on plastic bags.
But recycling of plastic bags doesn't work. In CA, despite having a collection bin in every large grocery store statewide, the last reported recycling rate of plastic grocery bags was only 3%.