Aug 24 - Sonoma County Pursues Regional Ban on Plastic Bags

On Tuesday the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved the continued pursuit of a countywide plastic bag ban.

The ordinance and corresponding study would be conducted by the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency (SCWMA).

SCWMA has been working on a plastic bag ban for at least a year and a half, conducting informational presentations at cities throughout the County.

According to media, the Board gave overwhelming support of the bag ban, but urged that the ordinance be uniform countywide.

Supervisor Efren Carrillo reportedly said,

"What’s most important to me is consistency. It gives a level playing field. This is about protecting our rivers, protecting our coast, protecting our creeks. This is long overdue."

SCWMA is now drafting ordinance language, and an environmental study will soon be underway.

If adopted, the ordinance would be operative in July of next year. Plastic bags would be banned at all retail stores, while paper bags could be distributed with a 10 cent charge, rising to 25 cents in 2014.

Want plastic bags banned statewide? You have one week left to write your State Senator and urge their support of AB 298, the state bag bill.

(photo courtesy of Team Marine)

Lanh Nguyen