Aug 29 - Head of UK Store Asks Others to Join Them in Banning Plastic Bags

Major grocery stores like Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe's, and Holland & Barretts in the UK have already phased out plastic shopping bags on a voluntary basis. Earlier this month the Chief Executive of Holland and Barretts, Peter Aldis, recently urged other stores to follow suit.

"Many retailers introduced half measures such as charging for plastic bags in a bid to encourage customers to shy away from using them. But no-one else stepped up to the mark and banned plastic bags all together. We have proven it can be done, and 800,000 customers who shop with us every week have praised us for it."

A 2011 study revealed that in the United Kingdom, plastic bag use has increased overall by a small percentage. In countries with bag bans or bag charges, however, the trend has been a decrease in bag use. Wales saw a 22% drop in bag distribution after passing a five pence charge on bags.

According to media, Aldis would also support measures to charge for bags.

Holland and Barretts has been plastic bag free since 2010.

Three days left to write your State Senator and ask them to support AB 298, the bill to ban plastic grocery bags throughout CA. Take action here.

Lanh Nguyen