Oct 10 - Sunnyvale Asks for Public Input on Foam Ban Tomorrow

The City of Sunnyvale may soon hop on the progressive bandwagon to phase out polystyrene foam containers.

Local governments have been increasingly become concerned with the issue, as evidenced by the dozens who have already adopted ordinances.

The City is holding a public meeting to gather input on a proposed ordinance to phase out these containers from city restaurants, citing zero waste goals, reduced water pollution, and removal of a "reasonably carcinogenic" products as reasons for the consideration.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 11 at 7 pm in the Community Center's Neighborhood Room (550 E. Remington Drive, Sunnyvale CA). For more information, view the flyer or visit nofoam.insunnyvale.com.

Sunnyvale Residents: Please attend this meeting if you have time. Let the city know you want and support a safer, cleaner world that is free from this pollution. Affordable, sustainable alternatives are readily available.

Expanded polystyrene or eps is lightweight, bulky, prone to breaking into brittle pieces, and easily contaminated. This makes the material, which already has a low market value, difficult to recycle. It also has negative impacts on our environment and never degrades. Learn more here.

Lanh Nguyen