Oct 17 - No More Foam Products in Santa Cruz County Starting Today

Today signals a new, cleaner future for Santa Cruz County, as a ban on the sale and distribution of all expanded polystyrene foam (or eps) products begins.

The ordinance was adopted six months ago in April. The County had banned eps food containers in retaurants since 2008, but the more stringent ordinance was a nod to the fact that other foam products (such as coolers and picnic plates) are still creating non-degradable and harmful litter in the environment.

Capitola was the first city to adopt this type of ordinance in early 2012. After the County took action, Santa Cruz City also adopted a similar ordinance in the summer of 2012. Other jurisdictions have banned polystyrene products in varying degrees. See the full list.

Read an article in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

CAW congratulates the County on its environmental leadership against plastic pollution. Yesterday, the County also adopted an amendment of its new bag ordinance to cover restaurants. This expansion is effective at the next Earth Day (April 22, 2013).

(photo credit: Team Marine)

Lanh Nguyen