Oct 8 - Gallery Displays Life Size Whale Sculpture Made from Plastic Bags, Debris

The death of a gray whale that washed up near Seattle several years ago with plastic bags in its stomach sent a widespread and telling message: Enough is enough…it’s time to get rid of unnecessary plastic bags.

In December 2011, the Seattle City Council voted to ban plastic bags. One month after the ban went into effect this summer, reports have already indicated its success.

The whale’s death moved not only policy makers, but also a group of academics to take action and raise awareness of the issue. Olympic College, in a collaborative effort between students and teachers, and scientists and artists, is displaying a life sized model of a baby whale made from collected plastic bags and other debris.

The Whale Project opens this Thursday, October 11, until November 2, at the Olympic College Gallery. The sculpture and related exhibit parts will help educate the public on the negative impacts of plastic pollution to whales and other wildlife.

For more information, read this article. You can also read a blog on the making of this sculpture here.

Take action against plastic pollution and support local ordinances.

Lanh Nguyen