Nov 14 - Free "Bag It" Movie Showing Today In Belmont

Attention Belmont residents and visitors--if you haven't seen the award-winning movie "Bag It" yet, there's a free public showing in town this evening.

The film gives viewers an increased awareness of our unnecessary dependency on single-use plastics and their impacts as it follows one person's journey in giving up plastic bags. Watch the trailer.

Event details are as follows:

November 14, 2012

7 to 8:30 pm (45 minute film followed by discussion)

Belmont Public Library, Taube Room (1110 Alameda De Las Pulgas, Belmont CA)

The City will also be giving out free reusable Chico bags to attendees.

This event is organized by the City, the Belmont Public Library, and San Mateo County to raise local awareness and support of plastic bag reduction efforts. Last week the County adopted its reusable bag ordinance, allowing Belmont and 23 other cities to follow suit by adopting the same ordinance by reference.

Visit the movie website.

Take action on other local bag ordinances.


Lanh Nguyen