Feb 5 - Cupertino Votes to Adopt Bag Ordinance Today

*UPDATE* The Cupertino City Council postponed the second reading and final vote to March 5, 2013.

After approving a Reusable Bag Ordinance last month, the Cupertino City Council will hold a final vote on the bag ordinance this evening.

Cupertino is located in the Silicon Valley west of San Jose, CA and has a population of just under 60,000. Apple Inc. is headquartered in the city.

The ordinance, once adopted, goes into effect this October. Plastic bags would be prohibited in all stores, while paper bags would be sold for ten cents each.

Cupertino residents and visitors--stop by the Council Meeting and express your support. The meeting starts at 6:45 pm in the Community Hall (10350 Torre Ave, Cupertino, CA). The agenda is available online (item 14).

Sixty five (yes, that's 65) cities or counties in California are already covered under adopted bag ordinances to reduce plastic bag pollution. See the full list of local bag ordinances.


Lanh Nguyen