May 6 - International Compost Awareness Week starts today

Composting is a great way to build healthy soil in the garden. Did you know it also provides numerous benefits to the environment? Composting helps cut GHG emissions, reduces landfill pollution, improves air quality and provides a source for renewable energy and biofuels.

Today is the first day of International Compost Awareness Week, which the U.S. Composting Council launched 13 years ago in order to attract attention to the benefits of composting. Communities across the country are participating in the event, many offering free or inexpensive compost. Visit their Facebook page to find out about events near you.

Organics recycling is identified as one of the primary ways to help meet the ambitious goal California set in AB 341, which calls for 75% recycling by 2020. CAW supports AB 323 (Chesbro), which would require producers of large amounts of yard debris and/or food waste to subscribe to a composting service for that material. It also eliminates what has become a perverse incentive for using organics as alternative daily cover in landfills.

Find out more about how CAW is working to increase recycling and waste reduction policies and programs and how you can help!


Lanh Nguyen