June 3 - New Minnesota Law to Handle Leftover Paint

Minnesota’s Governor just signed into law a bill that will create an architectural paint stewardship program for that state. Omnibus bill H.F. 967 will require paint manufacturers to craft a take-back program for used paint, similar to the one created in California through AB 1343 (Huffman), which was signed into law in 2010.

California's paint program came into effect on October 19, 2012. For the nearest paint drop off location to you, look here: http://www.paintcare.org/locator/index.php

This legislative session, CAW is supporting SB 254 (Hancock and Correa) which would add mattresses to the list of products in California that are covered under stewardship programs including paint, carpet, and mercury thermostats.

Find out more about Producer Responsibility and the benefits of creating stewardship programs for products at end of life. Please consider supporting our work.

Lanh Nguyen