June 10 - Manufacturers in Indiana Seek Increased Recycling Laws

A story just published in nwi.com underscores the positive effects recycling regulations can have on jobs and the economy. The head of the Indiana Recycling Coalition says a lack of recycling regulations in the state is harming manufacturers and impacting jobs.

"In Indiana right now, we are throwing away 3 million beverage containers every year, all of which have strong markets in Indiana and are scrambling to bring in materials," said Carey Hamilton, executive director of the Indiana Recycling Coalition.

He says manufacturers want recycled feedstock.

"Manufacturers in a manufacturing state want recycled versus raw materials because they save so much on their energy costs," Hamilton said. "There are 60 manufacturers that use recycled materials in Indiana. We're just not serving those companies well."

Suggestions being offered to help Indiana's problem include reinstating a recycling fund; establishing new statewide recycling goals; creating e-waste recycling programs funded by manufacturers; establishing a Bottle Deposit Law; banning disposal of certain commodities; requiring recycling at multi-family housing projects and requiring restaurants and bars to recycle beverage containers.

Over the past three decades, California has led the way in recycling legislation, which has not only expanded the market for recycled feedstock--it’s created over 100,000 jobs. California has surpassed the statewide waste diversion goals established in AB 939, and is now working to implement AB 341, which sets a goal of 75% recycling by 2020. A recent study by CalRecycle estimates that up to 100,000 more jobs will be created as the state works to implement AB 341.

Product-specific recycling legislation is key to achieving recycling goals; notable California laws include the landmark Bottle Bill, Electronic Waste Recycling Act, and Carpet and Paint Stewardship programs.

This session, CAW is sponsoring AB 1021 (Eggman), which will provide a sales tax exemption for California manufacturers and processors who use recycled content, as well as AB 513 (Frazier) and AB 1022 (Eggman) which support the creation of in-state end markets for recycled tires and CRTs, respectively.


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Lanh Nguyen