June 18 - LA City Council Considers Bag Ordinance

The largest city in the state may soon agree to go without plastic carryout bags.

The LA City Council, which governs a city of nearly 4 million people, is holding a meeting today starting at 10 am in City Hall on a bag ordinance. The ordinance, which proposes to ban single-use plastic bags and allow paper bags with a 10 cent charge in grocery, convenience, and drug stores, is Item 5 on the agenda.

A council committee first gave the green light back in December 2011 to move the bag ordinance item forward. Anti-plastic pollution advocates cheered this initial victory. After several hearings, studies and reports, the item is now in front of the full council.

Watch the meeting online, and stay tuned for updates. If approved by city council, the ordinance goes to the mayor for a signature.

Single-use plastic bags are a blight upon our environment, create an environmental wildlife hazard, and cost millions in local government cleanups and waste management repairs.

Support our work on single use plastic pollution and make a donation today.

Lanh Nguyen