June 26 - CleanWorld Breaks Ground on Country's Largest BioDigester

CleanWorld, a company that specializes in converting food waste to energy, just broke ground on an expansion project that will make its Sacramento BioDigester the largest in the country. CleanWorld uses a proprietary anaerobic process to convert food waste into Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), fertilizer and electricity.

The Sacramento BioDigester currently processes 10,000 tons of food per year. When the expansion is complete, it will process 40,000 tons per year and prevent the release of 18,000 tons of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. CleanWorld also operates a 20,000 ton biodigester at U.C. Davis and another in Natomas.

"California leads the way in implementing cost-effective and sustainable waste management solutions that solve renewable energy and environmental problems," Garvey said in a press release. "CleanWorld is working hard to put our US-made technology to work in every city and state in the United States."

CAW supports the development of processes that recycle organic material instead of sending it to the landfill. In addition to reducing the waste of valuable material that can be used to create fertilizer and renewable energy, it helps build a market for recycled organics and creates green jobs.

In addition, recycling organic material, rather than landfilling it, will help California reach the goal set in AB 341, which calls for 75% recycling by 2020.

Find out more about the ways that recycling can help create jobs and bolster California’s economy.

Lanh Nguyen