Sept 3 - Mattress Recycling Bill Heading To Assembly Floor

There’s great news to report for local governments, consumers and the environment this week. SB 254 (Hancock and Correa) made it out of Assembly Appropriations on Friday and is on its way to the Assembly Floor for a full vote.

This bill will create a statewide mattress recycling program, reducing the economic impacts on local governments, which are often saddled with clean up and disposal of illegally dumped mattresses. It’s also great news for the recycling economy--nearly all the materials used to make mattresses are 100% recyclable--increasing jobs and expanding the market.

SB 254 enjoys the support of the mattress industry, recyclers, environmental groups and local government.

You can take action to support SB 254, which will be heard on the floor before the legislative session ends on Sept. 13, by sending a letter to your Assembly Member today!

You can support our work on this issue by making a contribution today.

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Lanh Nguyen