Sept 9 - 5 Days Left For Mattress Recycling Bill


With the interim recess approaching on Friday, SB 254 (Hancock and Correa) has just 5 days left to make it off the Assembly Floor.

This bill, which would create a statewide mattress recycling program, will reduce the costs and blight that result when mattresses are illegally dumped by providing consumers with convenient pick-up, drop-off and recycling opportunities for their used mattresses.

Over 4 million mattresses are generated in California annually.

This producer responsibility program will be funded by a recycling charge on new mattress sales and will be run by a non-profit stewardship organization. It will be overseen by CalRecycle and a Mattress Recovery Advisory Committee.

The economy will benefit from this bill, as increased recycling means more jobs.

SB 254 enjoys the support of the mattress industry, business leaders, local government and environmental groups.

Take Action today and tell your state representative to vote "Yes" on SB 254.

You can support our work on this issue by making a contribution today.
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Lanh Nguyen