Sept 17 - Pittsburg Takes Step Toward Bag Ban

According to the Contra Costa Times, the Pittsburg City Council took the first step yesterday toward becoming the first community in East Contra Costa to adopt a local ordinance restricting single-use plastic bags.

If approved, the ordinance would prohibit retailers from distributing single-use plastic bags. It would allow a 10 cent charge for paper, which would increase to 15 cents the second year and 25 cents the third year. It would not apply to restaurants, nor would it apply to plastic bags used to wrap meat and vegetables.

The ordinance will be brought back for a public hearing on Oct. 21.

Richmond was the first city in Contra Costa County to adopt a bag ordinance; El Cerrito will finalize its ordinance soon.

The idea behind the ordinance is to encourage people to bring their own reusable bags to stores and to cut down on the blight and environmental damage associated with plastic bags.

Despite attacks and campaigns by plastic bag manufacturers, more and more communities across California keep working to end the proliferation of single-use plastic bags in California. Communities like San Francisco, Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles County and Marin County have stood up against legal intimidation because of their strong conviction that reducing plastic bag pollution is the right thing to do for California's economy and environment.

Has your community taken a stand against plastic bag pollution? Check out the list here.

Photo credit: The Guardian

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Lanh Nguyen