Dec 5 - Arcata Adopts Bag Ban, First in Humboldt Co, 90th in CA

Congrats to the City of Arcata, which adopted the first single-use bag ordinance in Humboldt County yesterday evening. In California, a total of 90 cities or counties have an adopted bag ban.

The ordinance bans single-use plastic bags in all retail stores within City limits starting next February. Paper bags will be available for ten cents each starting in August of 2014, following an outreach period to encourage reusable bag use. Read an article here.

Local bag ordinances have been effective in reducing the impacts of plastic bag pollution. In the City of San Jose, the ordinance has resulted in 89% cleaner storm drain systems and 59-60% cleaner streets and creeks. Find out more on bag ordinances on our website.

Lanh Nguyen