Jan 15 - West Sac City Council To Consider Resolution Supporting Statewide Bag Ban (SB 405-Padilla) UPDATE-Resolution Approved

UPDATE: Sacramento City Council overwhelmingly approved a resolution in support of a statewide bag ban last night.

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Tonight, members of the West Sacramento City Council will consider adopting a Resolution in support of SB 405 (Padilla) a bill that would phase out single-use plastic grocery bags statewide.

According the Sacramento Bee, the bill's author, Senator Alex Padilla, wil attend the meeting.

The council will meet at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 1110 West Capitol Avenue, West Sac.

If you're a West Sacramento resident who wants to see a ban on single-use plastic bags in California and an end to the environmental impacts they create, attend the meeting to show your support.

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Lanh Nguyen