Jan 21 - SF Supervisor Wants Hearing On Recycling Center Closures

Recent closures and evictions of recycling centers in San Francisco have spurred SF Supervisor Eric Mar to call for a hearing to determine the effects they may have on the poor. According to the SF Bay Guardian, Supervisor Mar also wants to know how the closures will impact the city’s well-documented zero waste goals.

"I’ve heard from many of our residents that (the closures) will have severe impact on the low and no income members of our community," Mar said at today’s Board of Supervisors meeting. "Many are immigrants who rely on this stream of income."

In 2013, several SF recycling centers were closed or evicted—including HANC, Nexcycle on Masonic Street and the centers in Safeway parking lots at Market and Webster streets. These closures raised concerns including loss of jobs for those who work at the centers, and loss of access for low-income recyclers.

Sup. Mar’s office is partnering with the Coalition on Homelessness to see just how those low-income communities are affected. Coalition on Homelessness Executive Director Jennifer Friedenbach said many poor and lower-middle income earners depend on recycling centers for extra income.

And while Safeway may be able to afford the $100 per day fee that applies if there is no center located in the convenience zone in which it stands, other small businesses may suffer.

You can support recycling centers right now by signing the online petition asking Safeway to stop evicting the centers.

Photo Credit: SFBG

Lanh Nguyen