Feb 18 - CalRecycle Cracks Down on Importation of Bottles and Cans

CalRecycle is tightening restrictions on the importation of empty bottles and cans to prevent materials from being illegally redeemed for cash under the Bottle Bill.

Starting today, anyone transporting into California a load of empty plastic or aluminum beverage containers weighing 25 pounds or more, or 250 pounds or more of glass, must pass through a California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) quarantine inspection station and obtain and carry proof of inspection. A form documenting the source and destination of the material must also be completed.

For the person importing, they must:
• Go through an open and staffed CDFA inspection station
• Must fill out a Imported Material Report
(will be available online and at the stations).
• Must be inspected and have a proof of inspection form

These actions are due to the implementation of AB 1933 (Gordon), which was signed by the Governor in 2012. CAW sponsored the enforcement bill, which is designed reduce fraud from unscrupulous individuals attempting to import and redeem beverage containers in California for CRV.

Find out more about California's Bottle Bill.
Lanh Nguyen