Mar 31 - From Food Waste to Fuel - Sacramento's Success Story

CleanWorld's Sacramento BioDigester was featured in Sacramento's GreenBiz publication, for helping the city reduce landfill waste and greenhouse gas emission while also generating tax revenue and local business opportunities.

CleanWorld uses a proprietary anaerobic process to convert food waste into Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), fertilizer and electricity.

The facility reduces greenhouse gas emissions by some 20,500 tons annually and produces more than 10 million gallons of fertilizers and soil amendments that offer an additional revenue stream for the developers.

The process is a closed-loop system: organic scraps that have been separated from other waste streams are transported to the facility, where anaerobic digestion produces methane. The biogas is converted at the adjacent fueling station, where it is used to fuel the hauling equipment that brings the feedstocks there in the first place.

Read the full article here.

CAW supports the development of processes that recycle organic material instead of sending it to the landfill. CAW is working on two bills, focusing on building and supporting a statewide composting infrastructure:

  • AB 1594 (Williams) - eliminate a loophole in state law that allows some yard trimmings and prunings that are used as landfill cover to count as being "diverted" from landfills.
  • AB 1826 (Chesbro) - recycling of yard trimming and food scraps by requiring commercial generators to subscribe to composting or anaerobic digestion service for their organic waste.

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Lanh Nguyen