Apr 3 - #recyclemovement

Written in 1962, Steinbeck's words resonate today more than ever. Our mission is to develop and support policies that build convenient collection systems, create recycling infrastructure, and support green jobs in our state so that these 'mountains of things' can be reduced, reused, or recycled into other things, instead of clogging up our stormdrains or filling our landfills.

This year is no different as CAW continues to focus on waste and recycling policies that create, expand, and develop domestic recycling and remanufacturing infrastructure. Several great bills have already been introduced this year, and we are working on hammering out the details on several others.
Priority Update

SB 270 (Padilla, de Leon, Lara) - Plastic Bags

Would create the nation's first statewide ban on single-use plastic grocery bags. Reusable, paper, and (in certain jurisdictions) compostable plastic bags can only be distributed with a minimum 10 cent charge.

Be a part of this history-making victory against the plastics industry and their deep pockets. Send in support letter today!

AB 1826 (Chesbro) - Recovering Commercial Food Scraps and Prunings

Targets the lowest hanging fruit of the organic waste stream-the material thrown away by the state's largest commercial generators. AB 1826 requires commercial generators of food waste/yard trimmings (like restaurants and supermarkets) to have that material collected and composted.

AB 1594 (Williams) - Yard Waste as Landfill Cover

Will finally eliminate the perverse incentive in state law that encourages the use of yard trimmings as landfill cover.

Individuals like you are the key to Recycling's success. Please support our work by making a tax deductible online contribution today.

Lanh Nguyen