Apr 11 - Plastic Bag Recycling Rate Sees Decrease

Moore Recycling Associates released their annual National Postconsumer Plastic Bag & Film Recycling Report for 2012, on behalf of the American Chemistry Council.

While 2012 marks a 1% increase over 2011 overall collection rate, the volume of postconsumer bags and packaging wrap decreased by 7%.

The report highlights the poor recovery of plastic bags. In California, despite a 2006 law requiring all CA grocery stores to take back and recycle plastic grocery bags, the recycling rate for plastic bags is less than 5%.

We've given recycling plastic bags a try. Now, its time to ban single-use grocery plastic bags.

SB 270 (Padilla, de Leon, Lara) would create the nation's first statewide ban on single-use plastic grocery bags. Reusable, paper, and (in certain jurisdictions) compostable plastic bags can only be distributed with a minimum 10 cent charge.

Take Action today--write to your legislator in support. It only takes a few minutes of your time to have your voice be heard.



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Lanh Nguyen