Jun 16 - Budget Includes Funding for Recycling and Organics Processing (Press Release)


June 16, 2014

Contact: Nick Lapis, Legislative Coordinator

Sacramento—Environmental advocates joined with business leaders today to support the adoption of the state budget, including an investment of $25 million of cap-and-trade proceeds in recycling, composting, recycled-content manufacturing and organic waste to energy projects. This funding will help build the infrastructure necessary to transition the waste sector from a major source of climate pollution to a source of greenhouse gas reductions.

The cap-and-trade spending plan includes $15 million in grants for composting and anaerobic digestion facilities that will process organic waste, $5 million to develop a new revolving loan program for recycling and organics processing facilities, and $5 million for recycled content manufacturing grants.

Recycling, composting and using organic waste to generate renewable electricity and fuels are proven, cost effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Making new products from recycled materials helps close the loop by reducing the carbon impact of CA’s manufacturing sector, while supporting its expansion. These multiple industries also have a demonstrated track record of putting Californians to work, producing twice the environmental benefit when compared to disposal of the same materials. Diverting materials from landfills—while expanding domestic end uses for the recovered materials— helps achieve multiple state policy objectives.

"To meet our climate goals, we need to take the millions of tons of stuff we continue to throw away and return it to the economy as manufacturing inputs and sources of clean energy and sustainable agriculture," said Mark Murray, Executive Director of Californians Against Waste. "This investment is a down payment on the infrastructure that will be necessary to make that transition."

"This funding stream will be crucial to the development of California’s clean tech industry," said Shawn Garvey, Chair of the Bioenergy Association of California. "This funding will accelerate the development of renewable energy and fuels from materials such as food scraps, fats and oils, and other organic waste. Transportation fuels from organic waste are some of the lowest carbon fuels available and reduce California’s dependence on oil while creating jobs and energy security."

"These funds will help create the right economic environment for construction of vital anaerobic digestion and composting infrastructure that is necessary to achieve the state’s 75% recycling goal," said Mike Sangiacomo, President and CEO of Recology. "Additionally, the development of anaerobic digestion will help create green jobs, as well as new mechanical and technological expertise in our industry."

"This investment can help our cities transition into a new recycling economy," said Jackie Cornejo, Project Director at the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE). "By focusing on recycling, we can transform what was once trash into new valuable resources, reduce our climate impacts, and create good, career-path jobs in our communities."


Californians Against Waste is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving resources, preventing pollution and protecting the environment through the development, promotion and implementation of waste reduction and recycling policies and programs.

Lanh Nguyen